Everyday from Monday to Saturday, Bodhi has homework from Mommy. It's 5 sheets-front and back. If he finished on time ( I always give him the goal when he should finish) he can get reward, like ice cream, or other treat that he likes, and I always tell him if he finished quickly, he would has plenty of time to play for the rest of the day. Sometimes he would finished on time, sometimes not. When he didn't finished on time, he can not play with computer or watching TV, until his work done. Sometimes. he would just finished 1 or 2 sheets and go on strike, didn't want to finish at all. When this happened, he grounded from computer, TV, and toys. Sometimes, he would fight with me about his work, and said it's not fair.One day, he told me that he knew what I am going to do if he does not do his home work. so I asked,"What is it then?"He replied,"You are going to ground me from playing computer and watching TV. So, today, I am not going to play computer and watch TV, then I don't have to do my homework."
Translated :
Setiap hari dari senin sampai sabtu,Bodhi mendapatkan PR dari maminya.5 halaman depan dan belakang.Jika dia mampu menyelesaikan tepat pada waktunya maka dia akan mendapat hadiah( Maminya selalu memberikan target waktu penyelesaian ), baik berupa es krim,mainan atau boleh nonton TV, main komputer sepuasnya.Kadang dia bisa mnyelesaikan tepat waktu, kadang tidak.Jika dia tidak menyesaikan PR tepat pada waktunya, maka dia tidak boleh nonton TV, ataupun main komputer sampai PRnya selesai.Kadang dia hanya menyelesaikan 1 atau 2 halaman dan kemudian ngambek, tidak mau menyelesaikan sisanya.Kalau begitu, dia di hukum tidak boleh main komputer, nonton TV ataupun mainan.Kadang dia protes,merasa tidak adil.Suatu hari dia berkata pada Maminya bahwa dia tahu apa yang akan terjadi kalau dia tidak mengerjakan PRnya hari ini.Maminya balas bertanya," Apa itu ?"Dia menjawab dengan cepat ," Mami akan menghukumku tidak boleh main komputer dan nonton TV, jadi karena hari ini aku tidak mau main komputer dan nonton TV, maka aku tidak mau mengerjakan PR ."
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